Technical Information
Drain down the water systems Truma Ultrastore drain: Lift the yellow tap up (this is located under a bench seat or inside the wardrobe in a motorhome) Carver cascade drain: Older caravans have a bung to unscrew on the outside (bottom left)
Taps Open all the taps up and level in a central position Insulating them with a tea towel will keep them cozy all winter
Showers and Toilets Remove the shower hose and head
Cassette Cover the cassette with a towel to catch any drips. Make a funnel/slide for the water to escape the cupboard.
Onboard Pump and Filter
This has been posted with the intention of helping to prevent frost damage. No liability or responsibility can be taken for any damage caused following on from this.
If you are based in Worcestershire and have anything you would like to discuss with a specialist, why not give us a call on telephone 07811367433 today?